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Attendance Policy information for families

         Attendance Policy

At Co-op Academy Oakwood, the teachers want  everyone to get the best out of every pupil.

Pupils who attend school everyday  significantly improve their life chances and show greater progress. 

 Who can I see about my attendance?

Who can I see about my attendance?

Karen Jones

Family Support Coordinator

Jane Dodds

Family Support and Attendance Adviser

Rimah Aasim


Class teacher


The Law

Children must attend school under the Education Act 1989 (revised). Poor  attendance at school can result in sanctions such as a fine, court action leading  to prosecution, an Education Supervision Order, a Parenting Order or a School  Attendance Order.

What should I do every day?

Come to school every day - 190 days per year

Be in school on time – through the gate by 8:40am

School can support if there are any problems affecting your attendance or  punctuality.

When can I be off school?

The only time you can be off school is if you are very ill or have a medical  appointment. If your family can’t make your appointment outside school time then you can still get your attendance mark by coming into school before the appointment or afterwards! Proof of appointment will be  required.

Attendance Rewards

You will be rewarded for good attendance by being entered into the  ‘In it to win it’ and Spin the wheel prize draw by being in school everyday and on time.

How does my family report my absence?

They can report an absence on the day by contacting the Academy and leaving a message for Karen or Jane on the answering machine if school is closed. School must be contacted on each day  of absence even where pupils are absent for consecutive days.  What is


Unauthorised absence is…

Any absence that doesn’t fall into the following:

Absence due to illness or other avoidable cause; an absence for religious observance sanctioned  by the religious body to which the family belongs; holidays that  have been approved by the Academy due to exceptional circumstances; any other situation where the Academy has authorised a fixed period of  absence.  


What should my attendance look like?

Every pupil should be aiming for 96% or above attendance. Anything  below 96% can have a severe impact on your outcomes.

What is persistent absence?

This is when you have less than 90% attendance. The Academy will work  with families, staff, agencies and pupils to prevent children from  falling into this category. Pupils with attendance of less than 90% will  be identified by the Family support and attendance team for more intensive casework where necessary with the local authority.  Preventative intervention work will be done to avoid students reaching PA status.

What is a U code?

If you are late after 9:20am, you receive a U code. This means that you  will lose half a day's attendance. This cannot be reversed, legally, once  the register closes, it closes.

What Sanctions are in place for being late?

If you are regularly late after 8:50am, you will receive a letter. If punctuality does not improve further action will be taken.