Early Years Open Event
Last week we held our Early Years Event: ‘Rainbow Birds and more’
Last week we held our Early Years Event: ‘Rainbow Birds and more’
It was a fantastic evening and we loved spending time with everybody who came to visit and say hello.
We’re proud of the Early Years setting at Oakwood and we enjoyed sharing our environment with other members of the wider Early Years community.
Kind words
Our visitors had a great time and shared some fantastic feedback:
“I don’t know where to start. An awe inspiring setting where children’s voice is evident in every room, on every wall. High expectations are at the epicentre of every nook; the learning is certainly visible! Thanks to all the team – the quality and enthusiasm shines from you all.”
– Diane Hetherington, Retired Nursery School Headteacher
“What a beautiful space. What lucky children! Absolutely inspirational. The respect for the children’s voice is incredible.”
– Eunice Taylor
“Thank you so much for sharing a really inspiring & thought provoking provision. Your commitment shines through – lucky children and families!”
– Linda and Sacha
“Finally! Thank you sooo… much. What an amazing place. Keep in touch!”
– Peter, Shrewsbury Riverside, Bangkok
Our books
We had copies of both our books for sale – The Wrinkle People and Rainbow Birds.
The Wrinkle People is a book celebrating the achievements of our unique 3-5 year olds. Sparked by the interest of the elderly within our community, all proceeds go to the wonderful charity, Age UK.
Through the creation of Rainbow Birds, we had an amazing opportunity to share some of the ways we respond to our children’s wealth of ideas. All while supporting the crucial work of our chosen charity, a charity also championed by the Co-op – Mind.
Our team
Maeve Birdsall, Assistant Headteacher at Oakwood, has been in our academy for 37 years and this event was a celebration of not just the children and our families, but also the incredible influence Maeve has had on our academy for so long.
Everyone in the Early Years team worked so hard to make the event a success. On the day, they spoke passionately about the children’s achievements and shared their experiences with practitioners from all over the UK!
Our Community
Plenty of our visitors shared their thoughts with us on Twitter!
Our Parents and Families
We also welcomed parents and families in to look around and check out all the amazing work our children have been doing!
Thank you to everybody who visited and helped make our event so special.