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PE Curriculum Intent Statement

At Co-op Academy Oakwood, we are passionate about our PE curriculum being a vehicle for children’s’ empowerment through enhanced opportunities. We have developed a curriculum to deliver insight, creativity and experience (ICE) so that significant gaps in cultural capital can be overcome. Children at our school come from a part of Harehills and Gipton that has the highest incidence of childhood obesity in year 6 (40% overweight and 25% very overweight). and also significantly low levels of life expectancy at birth. This data highlights not only the fact how important it is children receive excellent PE lessons at Oakwood but also that it is essential we engender a lifelong love of sporting activities in the children. 

Our intention is to deliver an exciting and relevant curriculum that covers sports such as: tennis, football, rugby, athletics, gymnastics and dance across all year groups. Regular circuit training is built into the curriculum to support children’s general level of fitness and regular assessments take place. 

Acknowledging that our children come from such diverse cultural backgrounds, allows us to place a clear focus upon developing their vocabulary so that they can fully immerse themselves in our exciting curriculum. Wherever possible the Co-op ways of being are woven throughout the curriculum so to deliver a genuine, long-lasting interest in PE. All children (SEND, NTE, EAL) will get the best possible understanding and enjoyment out of PE as we use visual aids such as: pictures, words, videos and demonstrations. We also have a TA support in all sessions to help those children who might be struggling either physically or emotionally.

Insight – Children will gain a deep and broad understanding of the importance of PE to having a healthy lifestyle. They will develop the knowledge, skills and competence to excel in a broad range of sports and physical activities. They will come to understand that it is important for them to achieve their personal best. 

Creativity – Children will participate in competitive sport and will be able to transfer the Co-op values they know to a sporting activity, ensuring they learn how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team. They will see how taking a positive approach to their own achievements and other’s will help them create a life-long enjoyment of PE.   

Experience – Actively participating in PE on a regular basis is essential for our children to develop physically, emotionally and mentally. By following clear sporting rules, seeing fairness in games and equity of play they will be able to bring these positive experiences to their own developing life-long values.