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Autumn 2 week 1 Newsletter

Autumn 2 week 1 Newsletter - Learning at Oakwood, Skip 2be Fit and attendance


This week Dave from Skip2BFit joined us at Co-op Academy Oakwood. All the children took part in skipping activities. They counted their skips, tried new skipping techniques and set themselves skipping goals! Skip2Bfit promotes skipping as a fitness activity for everybody. Thank you to all the families who joined Dave, staff and the children after school for the family skipping challenge.  

Learning at Oakwood

Class Kingfisher have found a golden surprise in a chocolate bar their class teacher, Mrs. Lee, brought back from her travels. What exciting adventure awaits? Year 1 had to solve clues to discover who had made such a mess over the holidays. Class Woodpeckers have been building using 3D shapes, investigating melting and learning to play the C chord on the Ukulele 


Every moment matters!

Do you know you can check your child’s attendance on your Arbor app? 100% attendance for the week ensures your child is entered into the spin the wheel draw! 

Scan the QR code to sign your child up for their free flu vaccination.