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The Oakwood Times - 15 December

Upcoming Key Dates

As the end of the Term draws to an end, we have some key dates for our parents/carers to be aware of:


Upcoming Key Dates

As the end of the Term draws to an end, we have some key dates for our parents/carers to be aware of:

Dates Events
Friday 17th December KS1 will be sharing their performance of the Christmas Story via Youtube, keep your eyes peeled.
Friday 17th December School closes for the Christmas Holidays
Wednesday 5th January Children return Wednesday 5th January – Tuesday 4th January is a whole school training day.
W/C Monday 10th January Year 3 and 4 swimming will begin week commencing 10th January. Children must wear their swimming kit under their uniform, on their swimming days.

Headteacher Announcement📢

What a wonderful first term it has been! Pupils, parents, carers and staff have worked hard to make things ‘business as usual’. Everyone has shown their determination and resilience through what has been an incredibly challenging time for us all. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support.  

Highlights from the autumn term for me include: Everyone being able to mix again. Lunch in the dinner hall on the first day was fabulous. This had been missed so much by everyone. Assemblies back in the hall and presenting certificates. My first hug from a child, who ran up to me and wouldn’t let go. Children making fantastic memories through trips, such as to the Coal Mine, Gipton woods and Roundhay Park and pupil voice that showed how far our children have come in their learning in lots of different areas despite the pandemic challenges 

Next term, we will be sharing our ‘Your Voice Survey’ actions and what we will be doing to address these.

If you need to contact us over the break to let us know about a positive case before we return, please call and leave a voicemail on 0113 240 2526 or email:

We wish you a safe and peaceful time with your families during the break and look forward to seeing you back in on Wednesday January 5th 2022. 

Staff Leavers

Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to one of our teachers. Miss Shepherd (Year 3, Class 8) is sadly leaving us. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours and thank her for dedicating the last 6 years to the children and families of Oakwood.

After the Christmas break, Class 8’s new teacher will be, Mrs Catherine Harker

Christmas Jumper and Bobble Hat Day ðŸŽ„

Thank you to all who donated, we raised £132.30 for Save the Children.

Attendance and Achievements