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Uniform shows that we are in a community. Wearing it says we’re all in this together.


Our Academy Uniform

Trousers, shorts or skirts should be grey, black or navy.

Polo neck or T-shirt should be white or emerald green – white shirts are acceptable.

Jumpers, sweatshirts or cardigans should be navy – Hooded Jumpers (Year 3-6 only).These can be generic or branded. 


PE Uniform

Children should come to school in their PE kits on their PE days.

Black or navy shorts or track suit bottoms with an emerald green /white t-shirt.


Bare feet are recommended for dance and gymnastics and are essential to the safe use of climbing apparatus.

Uniform Guidelines

We don’t allow children to wear jewellery. Small earring studs can be worn.

We ask that children who wear head scarves for religious purposes wear a plain scarf in black, grey or navy.

Please make sure that all uniform (including coats and shoes) are clearly labelled.

Shoes should be suitable for physical activity – black trainers or shoes please. No heels or loose fitting sandals.

Where can I buy?

The Uniform Shop: 369-371 Harehills Lane, Leeds, LS9 6AP

Supermarkets: Most items are also available in high street stores and supermarkets. Children do not have to wear items with the school logo on. 

Second-hand uniform: The academy has tabletop events throughout the year when second-hand uniform can be acquired.