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Autumn 1 week 8 Newsletter

Autumn 1 week 8 Newsletter - Learning at Oakwood and new class names

Learning at Oakwood

Year 2 went litter picking this week to reduce litter pollution as part of our geography work. It made us smile to have improved our environment. Year 2 have also made some lovely candle holders. This week we will write instructions so that others can make them too. The candle holders will also be useful to those celebrating Diwali next week. Children in Class 9 have been exploring 'pouring solids'. Lego club met and had its first completed build. Look at the model. Year 5 have investigated square numbers in maths. 


New Class Names

We are excited to inform you that each class will now be represented by a unique bird name, this new naming system will add an element of fun and learning, as pupils will have the opportunity to explore their class bird throughout the year. 

Our new names are as follows:

Nursery - Wren

Class 1 - Robin

Class 2 - Chiffchaff

Class 3 - Goldfinch

Class 4- Greenfinch

Class 5 - Bullfinch

Class 6 - Chaffinch

Class 7 - Kingfisher

Class 8 - Moorhen

Class 9 - Woodpecker

Class 10 - Jay

Class 11 - Peregrine

Class 12 - Kestrel

Class 13 - Kite

Class 14 - Heron

Every moment matters!

Has your child spoken to you about our Friday assemblies where we ‘spin the wheel’ and give out Curly Wurly’s? Everyone is in it to win it if they have 100% attendance and arrive on time!