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The Oakwood Times - 18 March

Upcoming Key Dates

As the end of the Term draws to an end, we have some key dates for our parents/carers to be aware of:



Upcoming Key Dates

As the end of the Term draws to an end, we have some key dates for our parents/carers to be aware of:

Dates Events
Thursday 17 & 24 March Year 5 visiting Co-op Academy Leeds for British Science Week
Monday 28 March No swimming for Year 4
Friday 1 April No swimming for Year 3
Friday 1 April Break up for Easter Holiday

Headteacher Announcement📢

It has been a really positive start to the term. Pupils have been working hard to show that they are Ready to learn and Responsible. 2 of our 6 R’s. The others are: Resilient, Respectful, Reflective and Relationships. If you would like to find out more about this, please see our Behaviour policy ➡️

Pupils enjoyed celebrating World Book Day and prizes were given out for the best potato character. Everyone looked wonderful. 

Now in our academy we have a book vending machine. Where pupils can get a token once they have read 100 times to select a book of their choice. Pupils are very excited about this and now ask for books as prizes. 

Pupils learnt about FairTrade during FairTrade Fortnight. They enjoyed treats kindly donated by the Co-op.

As always, thank you for your support and if you would like to get in touch please do not hesitate to contact us. 




Wearing Blue and Yellow in Support of Ukraine

Thank you to all who donated, we raised £236.03 for DEC – Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
